In memory of Glenn Jordan

Rick Johnston
The Agnostic Bible
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2020


Glenn was a theologian and associate of mine over many years from when I first studied theology (he was one of the only mature students to bother with a 19 year old in need of a haircut). I then interacted with him throughout my time in evangelical student work and the boards of various organisations and eventually we studied the book of Jeremiah together when doing our MTh. I remember one leadership training session he spoke to us about the work of growing Sequoias — the slow growing, enduring legacies in our character and those we sought to lead. It is only now I realise who he was and what his character



Rick Johnston
The Agnostic Bible

ex Theologian | Writer | Songwriter | Northern Irish | (h)uman(ist) | Startups | on the shores of Belfast Lough.